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How to Install God of War 2 Ps2 on PC

How to Install God of War 2 Ps2 – Below is a tutorial on how to install God of War 2 PS2 on a computer or laptop quickly, easily and without having an error at all. So for those of you who don’t know or are having trouble installing this game, no need to worry anymore. Please you can immediately follow all the steps carefully. So as not to experience an error at all!

Install PS2 PC Emulator

The first step is to make sure on the computer or laptop that you are using at this time, already installing the PS2 emulator. So if on the computer or laptop that you are using at this time hasn’t installed the PS2 emulator, don’t worry. Because you can still follow the tutorial on how to install the PS2 emulator below.

Important: Hope you remember, the tutorial above is specialized for those of you who have not installed the PS2 emulator on a computer or laptop. So if on your computer or laptop you have followed the tutorial above, you don’t need to repeat it again. Can go directly to the tutorial on how to install the game.

Download God of War 2 Ps2

The second step is on your computer or laptop you must also have a game file God of War 2 PS2. So for those who do not have it, no need to worry anymore. Because you can still download the latest God of War 2 PS2 on a computer or laptop via link Google Drive.

  1. Please click 2x File DIGEDAH-GOD-OFF-WARN-2-PS2.Part1.RAR.
  2. Then click Download.
  3. When there is a reminder, click Keep downloading.
  4. Wait for the game download process until 100% complete.

After the part 1 file has been successfully downloaded, then please repeat the way above to download other parts. Because for this game, it consists of 2 file parts that you must have as a whole. So don’t let anyone miss one of the parts. So that you do not experience an error.

How to Install God of War 2 Ps2

1. Extract File God of War 2 Ps2

  1. Look for the file that you downloaded earlier. Usually located in the downloads folder ..
  2. If you’ve found it, right -click the file DIGEDAH-GOD-OFF-WARN-2-PS2.Part1.RAR.
  3. Then click Winrar.
  4. Then click Extract here.

2. Move the God of War 2 file to Games

  1. Once extracted, open the folder DIGHARE – God of War 2 Ps2.
  2. Then right click the file God-of-War-2.iso.
  3. Then click Copy.
  4. Then click Disk (D :).
  5. Then open the folder Emulator-PS2.
  6. Then open the folder again match.
  7. After that, right click empty section.
  8. You click Pasta.

3. Play God of War 2 PS2 on PC

The last step is that you can immediately play PS2 games on a computer or laptop. For how, it is very easy. So you can go to Desktop or the initial screen first. Then click 2x PS2 Shortcut Emulator. Then you click 2x God of War II. Have a nice play!

After your PC/laptop turn off

For how to play it after your computer or laptop dies, it’s also very easy. You don’t need to repeat all the steps above. However, you only need to do it by clicking 2x PS2 Shortcut Emulator. Next you click 2x God of War II.

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